Thursday 19 September 2013

Omsk & Balabinsk

Thursday on the train, and have been able to get off a couple of times for 20 mins at Omsk (1323) and Balabinsk (1817). A welcome respite from sitting on your bum or lying back snoozing in your cabin.

Omsk was nice enough, had time to wander out of the station to have a wee look around

... and then it was back onto the train for more of this.

And when I say more, I mean LOTS more. Siberia is huge and barren, full of so much nothingness that its almost tough to get your head around.

Then onto Balabinsk, where I was able to top up on my carry-out from the local hawkers

In between stops I had lunch and pissed myself laughing to some Still Game episodes, and then got back onto my Hemmingway book (3/4 of the way through now - ooooh, its tense).

Won't finish it today, because I've decided that I've been sober for long enough today and I better get tucked into the beer. Can't wait to try the local brew, looks interesting ...

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