Wednesday 18 September 2013

Perm - no idea what time is it

Just leaving Perm, a city 1500km east of Moscow with a population of 1m people - it seems to be in the middle of nowhere ... because it is. Surrounded my trees, more trees, and even more trees. And that's about it.

Anyway, I'm now experiencing the classic problem which all travellers on this train have to get their heads around ... time.

The problem is that the train runs on Moscow time for the full length of the journey, irrespective of where you are. So standing on the platform at Perm (below), it was 19:50 on the platform. It was however only 17:50 on the train, and goodness know what time back home. I'm now having to work out three different timezones, and I've no idea if daylight saving time comes into the equation or not as well.

So the problem I have is, if I go to the buffet car for dinner now am I too early? Or am I too late ? No idea. Maybe I should have a beer to ponder my conundrum further. These 1 litre cans of Tuborg truly are a magical invention.


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